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domingo, 30 de novembro de 2008

Armas actuais em comparação!

Para aqueles que estão ainda no activo ou para os que gostam de armas, mesmo já não fazendo parte da Briosa, aqui vos deixo este interessante clip. Só têm é que treinar no inglês!

7 comentários:

  1. Having seen an close buddie going trough a difficult time because of a sickness caused through tobacco I made it my personal quest to save as many others as is possible from the exact same experience, though quickly I realized that no matter how great your arguments are it is actually extremely difficult to have a smoker quit smoking, not necessarily because the arguments are not good enough and not because the smoker just isn't willing to quit but merely due to the fact smoking is a even more addicting drug than heroin and cocaine (scientifically proven).

    Then I learned there is in fact a way to stop smoking without quitting smoking, so give a smoker their pleasure as well as habit but preserve him from the harmful effects of cigarette smoking.

    What I am talking about are e-cigarettes. Read regarding all of the side effects connected with smoking and the way an [url=http://electroniccigarette0.com/]electronic cigarette[/url] can help you quite cigarettes or simply permit you to follow your current routine and get your kick without the damaging side effects of cigarettes on my web page http://electroniccigarette0.com

    P.S. I am hoping this will not get removed due to having a hyperlink to my web page as I only attempt to inform and help.

    Take care

    Chrissy M.

  2. I decided to publish your comment, but nobody will come so far back to read it.
    So I don't see any sense in such comments, my dear Chrissy!

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